A1-Global College -career college in Ontario

A1-Global College Alumni


We have the largest and most diverse student database available! Many of our Student’s have achieved successful career’s on there focused education.

Are you a Graduate?
We love to hear from our alumni!

Job Board available!

We offer all our student’s extensive job opportunities with our readily available job board. We encourage all our student’s to apply to any job opportunities that open up.

Refer A Friend

We offer a referal to all alumni’s that refer a friend! Best way to do this is by filling out the form and we will get back to you once the student has registered. 

Leave A Review

Best way to help your college grow is by leaving us a review! It is the best way to show prospect students what they can expect from us! Click the link below to do so…

Success Stories

Best way to help your college grow is by sharing your story with prospective students! This is the best way to tell students about your experience!

Our Graduate Statistics

Being established a well student graduation rate and graduation satisfaction among students. This helps show our student’s satisfaction in the growing labour market.

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Statistics based on the 2021 Private Career College’s Key Performance Indicator (KPI)